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Dental Implants

3+ million people have dental implants in the UK.

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What Are Dental Implants?

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

Why Use Dental Implants?

Use of implants and osseo-integration has been well documented for nearly 30 years. This treatment option is backed by a multitude of scientific literature and clinical experience.

Implants can:

  • Replace one or more teeth without affecting adjacent teeth.
  • Support a bridge and eliminate the need for a removable denture.
  • Provide support and retention for a denture.
  • Preserve bone to avoid that “caved in” look.
  • The exciting prospect for many patients is to fill their gaps or finally discard their dentures!

Get The Best Dental Implants With The Perio Centre

There are 100’s of different implant systems currently in use. Only a handful of these implant systems have any substantial evidence in the dental research literature to back their use, and even fewer implant systems have any substantial long-term follow-up evidence to support their use on patients.

At The Perio Centre, we use only the highest quality dental implants in the UK from one of the industry leaders, Astra.

We guarantee that all treatment is performed by a Registered Specialist – meaning you will benefit from their wealth of experience gained from advanced training and years of additional dedication in this field.

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What Happens During The Dental Implant Process?

Treatment is normally divided into two or three stages, each of which may involve several visits to your dentist.

First Visit

Pre-operative Assessment


Before implants can be placed, x-rays and impressions of your mouth will be needed. These allow us to ensure your mouth is healthy and help us plan the best way to treat you.

Second Visit

Stage 1: Implant Placement


This is when the actual implants are inserted into the jaw. This is normally done under local anaesthetic (an injection which makes the area where we are working numb).

The gum is lifted away from the underlying bone, and then we gently and carefully drill in to the jaw bone. The implant is inserted into the bone and the gum is replaced and held together with stitches. The stitches are removed about one week later.

Third Visit

Stage 2: Implant Exposure


Following insertion, some types of implant will stick out through the gum whilst other types will be buried underneath the gum.

The implants will usually be left for at least three months before they are used to support replacement teeth. Implants buried under the gum will require a second small surgical procedure to expose them before they can be used

Fourth Visit

Restoration of the Implants


There may be a number of appointments to make your crowns, bridges or denture. This will include taking impressions and checking the fit of the parts used to make your replacement teeth.

In total, treatment can extend over 4-5 months.

Difficulty eating? Got a gap? Want to fill the space?

Be in touch today to discover how Dental Implants may be the solution for you.

Do You Offer Dental Implants Near Me?

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

What Are Some Alternatives To Dental Implants?

How To Get Started With The Perio Centre

Step 1: Contact Us

We would love to hear from you; our team will be delighted to help.

You can call The Perio Centre on 0208 106 8020, email us at or complete our online enquiry form to get started. A friendly member of staff will ask for some basic details and inform you of the next available appointment to visit the practice.

Step 2: Visit The Perio Centre

 The Perio Centre is based at 107 Harley Street, London, W1G 6AL

The Perio Centre offers the best place for dental implants. You will experience an outstanding level of support from the moment you walk into our specialist practice.

Step 3: Receive Award Winning Care

You can be confident in our hands with experienced specialists who will explain how dental implants work.

Our specialised dentist Dr Stern provides exceptional professional care that you can depend on.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does A Dental Implant Take?

The dental implant procedure usually takes around 1 to 2 hours per implant. However, the entire dental implant process can take several months, as it involves multiple stages, including implant placement, the healing period and crown attachment.

Are Dental Implants Painful?

Dental implants are not usually painful and should not hurt as the procedure is performed under local aesthetic to numb the area. Some mild soreness or swelling may occur during the recovery period, but this can usually be managed effectively with over-the-counter pain medication.

How Expensive Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a significant investment. Nevertheless, their durability and and long term benefits often make them a cost-effective solution compared to other tooth replacement options. The Perio Centre offers dental implants in the UK at affordable prices.


Why No Dairy After Dental Implants?

It is recommended to stay away from dairy products after a dental implant. This is because dairy can cause an inflammatory response in the oral tissues which is not desirable after surgery. Dairy has also been known to trigger nausea and vomiting which could compromise your newly placed dental implant and introduce acidity into your mouth when you are trying to heal.

Are Dental Implants Safe?

Dental implants are considered a safe and reliable procedure. With proper care and maintenance, they offer a durable and effective solution for tooth replacement with minimal risk of complications.

Are Dental Implants Covered By Insurance?

The Perio Centre team is covered by many insurance providers. Get in touch with your insurer to find out if you will be covered.

How Long Will My Appointment Take?

Appointments will take anywhere from half an hour up to a few hours depending on which stage of the treatment you are on. Before going ahead with the implant, Dr Stern will run you through all the ins and outs of the process and the duration at each stage.

Can Dental Implants Cause Infection?

It is very rare for dental implants to cause infections. However it is possible if proper oral hygiene is not maintained or if there are complications during the healing process. Signs of dental implant infection may include swelling, pain or discharge around the implant site, and prompt treatment is essential to prevent further complications.

Will The Perio Centre Support Me After Dental Implants?

Yes, our dedicated team are committed to maintaining relationships with patients. You will be able to book additional appointments after your treatment is complete and can arrange regular checkups. We would be delighted to welcome you back to The Perio Centre!

Can Dental Implants Cause Gum Disease?

Dental implants themselves do not directly cause gum disease, but inadequate oral hygiene can lead to peri-implantitis, an infection around the implant. If not managed properly, peri-implantitis can cause inflammation, gum recession and even implant failure.

Let us give you something to smile about.